Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities 2019

The Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities in 2019: What You Need to Know

The Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) for Dutch universities is an important document that outlines the working conditions, salaries, and benefits for employees in the academic sector. The most recent version of the CLA was negotiated in 2019, and it contains some key changes that all university employees should be aware of.

One of the most significant changes included in the new CLA is an increase in salaries. Employees will receive a 2.8% wage increase in 2019, followed by a 2.9% increase in 2020. In addition, the new agreement includes provisions for a one-time payment of €750 for all employees who were employed on January 1, 2019.

Another important aspect of the CLA is the way it addresses workloads. The new agreement mandates that employees may not be required to work more than 735 hours per year. Additionally, the CLA includes language that gives employees more control over their work schedules and allows for more flexible working hours.

The CLA also addresses issues related to job security. The new agreement includes provisions for the retention of employees who are facing redundancy due to budget cuts or restructuring. This means that employees who are at risk of losing their jobs will have access to support and resources to help them find new work.

In terms of benefits, the new CLA includes some important changes. For example, employees working part-time will now be entitled to a pro-rated pension. Additionally, the new agreement includes provisions for better travel reimbursement, with employees now able to claim up to €0.19 per kilometer for travel to and from work.

Overall, the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch universities in 2019 represents a positive step forward for academic employees in the Netherlands. With wage increases, better work-life balance, and improved benefits, the new CLA provides greater security and support for university staff.

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